How to reach your Target Market with Strategic Content

There is a major disconnect between your content and your target market.

For example – 

Say that your target market is the Interior Design industry. 

But your content is completely product driven.

You post install images, beautifully completed projects, and rendered product photos.

While this may seem like a good strategy on the surface because you are promoting what you’re selling, you’re missing 2 BIG marketing factors:

  1. As humans, we buy from humans. There are very few brands that can get away without posting any people to their feed. By doing so, this will not make your brand too “personal”, it will humanize it. This is a necessary component to any successful marketing strategy.
  2. If you are targeting Interior Designers, this means that most of your market is female. Women typically buy from an emotional place. We love stories, we love building personal connections, and we love sharing this with others. Begin to share your company’s story in your content to appeal more to this audience.

If this raised some flags for you – let’s chat. There’s no reason why you should be spending so much time creating content that is not actually converting to paying clients!

We are now accepting applications for our Corporate VIP Days where we spend an entire day together revamping your content strategy, creating a game plan for you to follow, and mapping out a whole month’s worth of content that will begin creating true connection & trust with your audience. 

Apply here for your VIP Day, spots are limited.

where you’ll get social media tips + tools to uplevel your business 

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where you’ll get social media tips + tools to uplevel your business 

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