Ep. 20: Take Your Brand to the Next Level in 2023 with Ninety Five Media

Ready to take your brand to the next level in 2023? We’re breaking down the five marketing phases and what you should be investing in at each level.

In this episode, we discuss:

  • [3:20] The five marketing phases of a business 
  • [4:27] Phase #1: Beginning Phase 
  • [8:03] Phase #2: Building Phase 
  • [10:12] Phase #3: Growing Phase
  • [13:37] Phase #4: Scaling Phase 
  • [16:08] Phase #5: Established Phase 

The five marketing phases of a business 

There are five phases that every business goes through in regards to marketing. Depending on which stage you’re in, there are different steps to take as the phase you are in determines how much revenue you have to reinvest back into your business. 

When you’re first building your brand, you don’t have a lot of capital to reinvest back into the business. At Ninety Five Media, we always take the approach of what we can do to help you so you can see the best ROI, no matter what phase you’re in. 

Phase #1: Beginning Phase 

In this stage, your business is brand new. It may be a side hustle or you may just be a solopreneur trying to see if your business is truly viable. During this phase, you probably don’t have a ton of money to throw back into the business. 

Our recommendation in this phase is to check out our private mentorship program. This is the only way that I personally work one on one with clients anymore. Private mentorship is a high-touch container and is essentially consulting to help you expand and build your marketing to a place where it will help you begin generating leads. 

We will dive into what is going on in your brand, and then build out a strategy together that you will then execute. I am very particular about who is accepted into our private mentorship program since I am very deeply involved in your business. 

In phase one, you are likely doing everything on your own, so I love being able to empower business owners to understand what they should be doing and what’s happening in the world of digital marketing right now. Private mentorship helps you understand what you want to happen with social media and email marketing so that when you get to that phase of outsourcing, you know exactly what other people should be doing for you. 

When you don’t know what a contractor should be doing for you, it’s difficult to gauge their success in that role. Our private mentorship program is heavy on learning and understanding so that you can execute on your own and then seamlessly pass this off to a team member down the road. 

Phase #2: Building Phase 

Phase two is when you’re around that 100K mark – either you have just crossed six figures or are very close to it. You are likely full time in your business and you probably have a few team members depending on the structure of your business. 

 At this point, you’ll probably still be heavily involved in your digital marketing. The service I recommend at this stage of business is a strategy intensive. This is a one-off, one-on-one session with me where I help you craft a game plan on how to uplevel your marketing strategy. The beauty about a strategy intensive is that you also have support after the call. A lot of the time our clients will use that support to send content in for review, ask questions about execution, and more. A strategy intensive can yield massive results.

Phase #3: Growing Phase

The third phase is when you have steady revenue, have built up your team and have nailed down your offer. You have almost everything you need, however, you still feel like something is missing. You know that in order to hit your big goals that you need more leads coming in and organic social is the low hanging fruit for every business. 

At this point, you want to bring in a team that can help you accelerate how many leads you’re getting from organic social. Ninety Five Media can help you with our done for you social media management service. The beauty of social media management is that we can come in and fully take social media management off of your plate. We take care of everything from caption writing, hashtag curation, content scheduling, story management, engaging with your audience, and more. 

Investing in social media management services will give you back so much time that you’re spending on marketing efforts so that you can refocus on serving your clients, managing your team and doing the needle movers that only you as a CEO can do.

In phase three, social media management is honestly a requirement to scale where you want to go at this stage of your business. If you’re at stage three, and you don’t have a social media manager, I encourage you to look into getting one. 

Phase #4: Scaling Phase 

At this phase, your marketing is already up and running. You may have worked with a social media manager in the past but you are still missing a strategy. You’re missing someone who can come in and fully own your digital marketing department, integrate a strategy into your content and help you start hitting your goals. In this phase, you are ready to amp up your entire digital marketing strategy. 

Our recommendation for you at this stage is still social media management but with an agency like ours because of the high level of service that we offer.  That is truly the value of hiring someone of Ninety Five Media’s caliber because you’re past hiring somebody who can just execute for you. What you really need is someone who can come in with new ideas, strategy and experience. 

When we come in and manage social media for our clients, we are not asking for ideas. We tell our clients what is currently happening in their niche based on market research and give them our unique ideas for their brand that are in line with their ideal client and ultimate brand goals. We share with them how we’re going to execute, what we need from them to make it possible and then we handle the rest. 

Phase #5: Established Phase

At phase five, you are a very established brand with a marketing team in house and you want to amplify what your marketing team is already doing. This is not to say that you’re unhappy with your current marketing team. However, you want to introduce outside perspectives, new ideas, and fresh strategies to support your team’s execution. Doing this is really important because every team gets a little burnt out and unable to come up with new ideas after working in an account for an extended amount of time. 

In stage five, we actually recommend doing private mentorship. Your experience with private mentorship will be much different in stage five than it would be in stage one. Some things we can accomplish with private mentorship in phase five are dissecting, analyzing and auditing what your team is currently doing. We can dive deep into that market research and put together a game plan based on our findings. 

In this phase, you have tons of data to jump off of so we are looking at your marketing in a very different way as compared to phase one. What we’re going to be doing is taking all of that information and just growing it in a way that supports your team and that helps you get closer to your goals. 

The ultimate goal of any of our offers is that you are hitting your goals, whether that be revenue, leads, or signing clients. We want to help you grow your brand whether it’s through private mentorship, a strategy intensive or social media management. The most rewarding thing in the world for us is that you grow while working with us. No matter which phase you’re in, or if you’re in one of these phases and don’t feel ready to invest just yet, just know that we are here to support you. 

You didn’t go into entrepreneurship to become a digital marketer. 2023 It is going to be an epic year for you whether you choose to do it all on your own or outsource it to us or to someone else. 

I hope that today’s episode really brought clarity for you around those different phases of your business when it comes to your marketing, and what you might need to support you best in hitting those big goals that you have for yourself.

Resources Mentioned: 

Private Mentorship 

Strategy Intensive 

Social Media Management 

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