Ep: 35. How To Develop A Great Team By Combining Data With Depth with Shauna Vassell

As a business owner, or a leader in your circle, are you more consumed by the product you’re working with or the people? Many leaders wrap themselves in the numbers or service, but when they look around they find themselves withholding support and understanding to individual employee situations. 

Empathy, emotional awareness, and plugging into your team will grow your business health, happiness, and success exponentially.

In today’s episode, we are joined by executive and leadership coach, Shauna Vassel. Shauna has made a career of utilizing her background in project management and as a change leader, as she partners with her clients to help them bridge the gap between their self-awareness and performance. By looking at ourselves, we can make a greater impact on a business’ culture, and in so doing can affect their company performance.

Listen in as we speak about:

  • Leadership is the center of transforming your business
  • Shauna’s advice concerning communication and hard conversations
  • How to help recognize when and who the next hire should be 
  • There is no right way to be a leader

And much, much, more!

Leadership is the center of transforming your business

No, it’s not the sales or the numbers that will grow your business in the way you want it to, but rather upskilling leadership to change the way you approach your role and understanding the needs of your  team. 

Shauna’s advice concerning communication and hard conversations

It’s not uncommon for leaders to hate and even avoid difficult conversations with their employees, including feedback and termination. 

The best way to approach these conversations include keeping your employees informed with their performance through touch points, adjusting expectations as you go, and avoiding the emotional side of the conversation to an extent. 

How to help recognize when and who the next hire is needed

You may be tempted to hire another sales person whenever your budget allows, but it’s critical that you hire who is needed and in the exact  role they are needed for in order to fulfill the company’s mission. 

For a company to know who and when to hire, they need to be looking at each team and each sector as they go so that they can start their search before it’s too late; this ensures that they won’t miss a blind spot.

There is no right way to be a leader

You can read all of the books and listen to all the podcasts about leadership, but at the end of the day if you’re not sitting down with your team and helping them grow,  you will miss the opportunity to grow your company together as a leader.

Be emotional, know your team’s strengths and weaknesses, and find your specific style as you go!

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Leadership Alignment 

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