The Podcast Guest Blueprint: Your Key to Mastering the Perfect Pitch with Christina Lenkowski

In this episode, Emma welcomes Christina Lenkowski, founder of Publicity by Christina. She dives into the world of podcast pitching, sharing valuable tips for entrepreneurs looking to expand their reach through podcast appearances. Christina recounts her journey in the PR and marketing world, emphasizing the importance of aligning podcast appearances with business goals. The conversation covers the power of podcasting in building trust, the significance of being authentic, and practical advice on crafting effective pitches with compelling topics. Christina debunks common misconceptions, stresses the value of smaller niche shows, and encourages listeners to overcome mindset challenges associated with rejection and imposter syndrome, highlighting the potential business benefits of strategic podcast guesting.

Listen in as we speak about:

  • Pitching: An Art And A Necessity
  • Trust Building Through Podcasting
  • Size Doesn’t Matter; Audience Does
  • Breaking Through Fears

And much, much, more!

Pitching: An Art And A Necessity

The heart of podcast success comes from the art of podcast pitching. Christina stresses the importance of understanding that podcast appearances don’t just happen; they are the result of intentional pitching. Using the analogy of award shows, Christina crushes the misconception that podcast opportunities magically fall into your lap – you need to actively pursue them. 

Trust Building Through Podcasting

Emma and Christina explore the unique trust-building aspect of podcasting. Christina underscores the warmth of podcast leads, emphasizing that podcast listeners already have a personal connection with hosts and guests. She highlights the significance of sharing stories in podcast interviews, creating a more authentic and relatable connection with your audience.

Christina encourages you to be authentic and embrace the learning curve. The initial nervousness that comes with podcasting will eventually get easier with practice. Drawing parallels with video content, Christina highlights the transformative power of consistent action, urging aspiring podcast guests to start now, even on smaller shows.

Size Doesn’t Matter; Audience Does

Christina busts the myth that podcast size determines your success. Drawing from her experience, she asserts that niche, smaller shows often have more significant results. Focus on the audience rather than the size of the show, stressing that the right audience leads to meaningful connections and business growth.

Breaking Through Fears

Christina addresses the mindset challenges associated with podcast pitching. She acknowledges the fear of rejection and imposter syndrome but urges you to embrace the inevitability of no’s and occasional ghosting. Remember that rejection does not reflect personal inadequacy. Christina encourages overcoming imposter syndrome by recognizing that mistakes may happen, but they are part of the growth process.

Connect with Christina:



Podcast Pitch Broker

VP Podcast Pitch Day

Let’s Pitch Workshop

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