Building a Strong Brand on TikTok
Building a Strong Brand on TikTok

Building a Strong Brand on TikTok: Our Top Tips

It’s no question that building a strong brand on TikTok should be a part of your digital marketing strategy. If you are a product or service based business, TikTok is an amazing resource to show off what you can do, and reach your target audience in the process! From consistency to story telling, keep reading to see our best practices for building a strong brand on TikTok. 

Be Consistent (and what that actually means)

To maintain and grow your presence on TikTok, developing a consistent posting schedule is essential. Whether it’s three times a week or ten, the best number of times to post each week is something that is sustainable for you! Regular uploads help keep your audience engaged and establish your brand as a reliable resource. Consistency builds anticipation, and your followers will start to expect and look forward to your posts! This is especially true if you create a “series” of some sort, which users will then be looking for when they open the app. To help with consistency, it may help you to create a rough outline of what to post each day. You don’t want to get too far ahead, as trends change FAST here, but having an idea for each day will help you get started. 

Engage with Your Audience

Active engagement with your audience is crucial for building a loyal community on TikTok. When your followers feel seen and heard, they are much more likely to stay engaged with your content and recommend it to others. This sort of engagement fosters a sense of connection between your followers and the brand, which is invaluable! This active engagement looks like replying to comments, going live and answering questions, or even commenting on UGC that tags your company. Brands on TikTok are also known for being slightly unhinged with the comments they leave, so if that makes sense for the tone of your brand, you’ll quickly gain popularity through your comments left on other videos! 

Participate in Trends (Thoughtfully)

Again, TikTok is much different than Instagram, meaning your brand can (and should!) jump on trends; even if you’re not sure it will match the vibe of your brand on another platform. (We recommend ensuring that it does still align with your values.) Joining these trends are a great way to boost your content’s visibility on the For You Page (FYP), which will bring new eyes to your page, and in turn, new followers. Simply scrolling your FYP will keep you up to date on what the trends are, and you can then decide which makes sense to create on your own! 

Tell a Story

Storytelling is the way on ALL platforms right now, and TikTok is no exception! If you’ve got a great hook followed by an impressive story, your audience is likely going to watch the whole video, which is HUGE for pushing your video out to others on the FYP! We mentioned earlier that creating a series is an amazing way to reel in your audience. (Looking at you, Alix Earle + your GRWMs.) Whether its a recurring video or a series that has parts 1-10, these types of videos will not only keep your current audience coming back, but will be equally enticing to new followers who consume your content. Another tip for storytelling is to strive to evoke some sort of emotion, whether that is humor, inspiration or empathy. Everyone enjoys feeling connected through these emotions, so brainstorm ways you can tap into this. 

If building your presence on TikTok is something you want for your brand but just don’t have time for, we’d love to support you. CLICK HERE to book a call, and learn more about how we can take this off your plate! 

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