What To Post When You Have Content But No Strategy

You have so much content but you have no idea how to use it in your Online Marketing Strategy to get more clients.

Sound familiar?

The thing is, content is the easy part. But not all content is created equal.

You’ll need to have a concrete Marketing Strategy in place to pick the pieces of content that will convert your audience to paying clients, boost your engagement rate, and assist you with making more online sales.

To begin, decide upon your end goal for your Strategy and work backwards from there.

Begin thinking about what your audience truly needs from you and use imagery that matches. Write captions that are entirely value-based and give away your best stuff on Social. This will build trust with your audience that your brand is truly a leader in your niche.

Most importantly? Stay consistent.

During our VIP Days, we always start with the big picture and then break it down into tangible, actionable steps to implement in our clients Marketing Strategy. 

When you start at the end & work backwards, you’re ensuring that you’re always working with your end goal in mind. You then implement Strategy along the way to create client touch points and nurture them to the sale.

If you need help with creating a true Strategy behind your content & Online Marketing, apply for a VIP Day here.

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where you’ll get social media tips + tools to uplevel your business 

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