Our Top 3 Tools – You Need Them Too!

Want to know the top 3 tools we use as a multiple six-figure Social Media Strategy Agency? Today I’m sharing the tools we can’t live without. 

We use these daily for all of our clients, including our own accounts!

If you’re struggling with getting your Social Media Marketing off the ground, begin using these tools (all 3 have FREE options!) to make this process easier for you.

Top 3 Social Media Marketing Tools:

  1. Planoly

Schedule out your content 1x per week (or 1x per month if you can plan that far in advance!) rather than stressing about it everyday! You can see your future feed too, and plan accordingly

  1. ClickUp

This project management tool allows you to map out your content strategy ahead of time and make sure you are strategically hitting all of your content buckets each week

  1. Canva

Design on brand graphics for all of your platforms here. Super easy to learn, and they have a ton of design features in the free version!

Ready to get on Social but don’t want to do it yourself?

Check out our coaching page to learn more about how Ninety Five Media can help you begin monetizing your online presence!

where you’ll get social media tips + tools to uplevel your business 

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