Why You Should Take a Step Back to Acknowledge How Far You’ve Come

When was the last time you took a step back and acknowledged how far you’ve come?⁠

Even though it might not feel perfect just yet, if you compared where you are now to January 2021 – I’d bet that a lot has changed for you.⁠

Last week over drinks, this sentence fell out of my mouth:⁠

“I’m starting to realize this is for real – I’m building a whole brand.”⁠

It was one of those moments that made me stop + process just how much has changed so quickly⁠.

Over the past 7 months⁠:
・ I’ve quit my job⁠
・ Built a team of 8⁠
・ Surpassed 6 figures
・ Worked with dream clients⁠

But in this online space, we so often hit one goal + just start thinking about the next⁠ one.

Truthfully, what it comes down to is:⁠
→ How sustainable is your brand?⁠
→ When you hit that goal, what will that look like for you?⁠
→ Will you be able to handle the growth?⁠

Systems + strategy are at the core of everything we do in order to build sustainable, booming business.⁠

Because you’re here for the long game.⁠

🔥 In the comments below tell me one accomplishment you’ve made this year that you’re f-ing proud of – or reach out to me here so we can chat! ⁠

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