Your audience doesn’t know you exist elsewhere unless you TELL THEM – hear me out on this 👇🏼

We once had a client – let’s call her “B” – come to use doing ALL of the things
→ Instagram
→ Facebook
→ Podcast
→ Pinterest
→ Blog
She was consistently creating content for all of these platforms (🙋♀️ hi, exhaustion) but felt like she wasn’t monetizing as much as she should based on the amount of content she was producing
She was stumped as to why this was happening
👉🏼 This was the point she came to us
What we found was that her audience simply DIDN’T KNOW that she was on so many platforms, creating so much valuable content for them!
She wasn’t promoting one on the other!
Ex: She didn’t post about her Podcast to her Instagram and wasn’t linking to her Blog on Facebook 🤯
This is a key missing link 🔗 for so many content creators!
👀 We get so caught up in the creation that we forget we actually have to MARKET it correctly in order to get this incredible content in front of the right people
If this is resonating with you because you have your hand in every pot but aren’t seeing the results from this time – you need to begin reassessing your BRAND EXPERIENCE
Here’s what I’m talking about:
Pass your marketing efforts to 1 team member or contractor to handle everything. When you split up platforms, is when we see the biggest divide in messaging (ie. Pinterest Manager, IG Manager, etc)
Your brand voice, as well as content, should be consistent across all platforms. New podcast release day? This should be pushed to all platforms with proper messaging
Your content should be doing the work, not the other way around! Allow it to bring in the leads with strategy + consistency
Once you nail these practices, your audience will become more in tune with your brand, aligned with your mission, and ready to buy your next offer 🔥🔥
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