You might be freaking out about the new Instagram July 2021 announcement (missed it? Check it out here) but Instagram has been hinting at this for over a year – just check your analytics 💅🏼
🎥 Over the past year video content has continue to explode in popularity, and in turn, has likely been your most viral content you’ve created (thanks Tik Tok!)

🧐 But have you taken the time to deep dive into your analytics lately?
Because these numbers are literal gold.
📈 Here at Ninety Five Media, we provide our clients with a WEEKLY Analytics Report because these numbers are so important.
☑️ It allows us to look at what is / is not performing well and adjust based on FACTS – not based on what kind of content is FUN to create.
😍 In fact, these reports are our clients favorite parts about working with us!
They provide our clients with a quick snapshot of the numbers that is clear, concise, and easy to read.
🌟 If you aren’t yet working with us, here’s how you can get started on your own:
① Create time in your schedule each week to review your analytics for each platform (30 mins/wk)
② Pop those numbers into an easy Google Sheets doc to track over time and see ups/downs
③ Adjust based on what you’re seeing so that you can continue to see an ROI on your content + time
Want more advice? Click HERE to learn more about how we can help YOU monetize this new change!
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