Why Your Content Should Prioritize Quality Over Quantity

This is what other social media strategists aren’t telling you when you ask “how often should I be posting?”

It doesn’t matter how often, what matters is the quality.

You may have once been told from a coach that posting 3x per DAY was the key to growth 😳 – but what happens when you’re posting FLUFF content 3x/day because you don’t know what else to say?

🙅🏻‍♀️ Your audience wants nothing to do with it

💔 And in turn, your [rare] value-packed content doesn’t get pushed out to the people who really need it

Sometimes even 7 posts per week is too much – especially if you’re doing it all on your own!

🌟 Instead, do this:

→ Start with posting only 3x per week
→ Get clear on the pain points of your target market
→ Create content that provides solutions with valuable info
→ Have clear CTAs for your audience to work with you

😍 What this will do is ensure that all of your content is FULL of value so that any ideal client that comes across your profile is immediately feeling seen & heard

THIS is what we call Content That Converts 😏

Ready to outsource your content and begin signing more clients from Instagram?

👉🏼 Click HERE to learn how you can work with us today!

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