What is Omni-Channel Marketing?

Omni-channel marketing isn’t about being on ALL of the platforms⁠

It’s about client experience above all else.⁠

Just because you’re on eight different digital marketing platforms does not mean that you have an omni-channel marketing presence⁠ — that is multi-channel⁠.

In contrast, an omni-channel experience is when there aren’t just multiple channels for your audience to interact with you on, but these channels are so well connected that they scream your brand.⁠

The client experience is seamless and integrated as they jump from platform to platform and interact with your brand.⁠

This is one of the biggest issues I see with newer brands – you’re trying to be everywhere, testing the waters to find your “best” platform…⁠

But along the way, you lose your brand.⁠

You forget that your audience, if loyal / ideal, will want to find you on more than just Instagram or TikTok⁠.

So, what happens if they hop from TikTok where you are outgoing, bubbly, and educational – over to your website where your branding is formal + mature?⁠

You’re going to lose them right there.⁠

When you think about building an omni-channel marketing presence, begin with your client experience.⁠

Not only do we help our clients grow their online presence, but we strategically look at each platform and the brand consistency between them all.⁠

Our Social Media Management clients get it all.⁠

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